Theme design can be updated in two ways:
- Manually
- Revert theme to original (quick).
In each of the updates in the Installer will indicate the type of update.
To update the design theme of the second way You need:
- For EACH of application Site, Shop, Photos, Blog, Helpdesk, Hub do: go to Design - Appearance (for app Shop "Storefront - Appearance").
- At the right side click "Clone theme"
- At the right side click "Export settings" (do it for all applicatons)
- Update theme in Installer
- In the original theme, which you used before, in "Design - Appearance" (for app Shop "Storefront - Appearance") click "Revert theme to original". Thus You cancel all changes which were made to the website and get an updated version of the template
- Import theme settings for all applications.
- Comparing files with the updated version and the version of duplicate (old), find the changes and restore your edits.
So You 6 times will reset the changes and create duplicates.