Start AMP

First AMP theme for Webasyst!

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$99 forever

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Start AMP - SEO design theme to get in TOP* of Google

* – Get in top - hereinafter implies an increase in the position in the search results as compared to the current site.

The Start AMP design theme will help you get up on Google search results and get new customers, attracting them for free using the additional Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Start AMP does not replace your current design theme.
and favorably complements it!

What is Accelerated Mobile Pages and what are they for?

AMP websites are optimized versions of full-fledged websites and lack a lot of elements: third-party scripts, commenting forms, buttons for ordering and others.

This is made in order to maximize the speed of loading pages from the Google cache and bring the site to the top of the search results.

Moreover, Accelerated Mobile Pages have a completely different markup, because of this, theme had to disable all hooks for plugins.
Since almost any plugin is able to "break" the validity of the AMP page.
Non-valid AMP pages will not be displayed in Google search results.

Before buying, read the full list of restrictions.

How do Accelerated Mobile Pages work?

If the buyer enters through the Google search on the AMP page, they can familiarize themselves with the product.
But in order to make a purchase or leave a comment, the buyer must click "More" and go to the main site, from which you can already place an order.

Therefore, the Start AMP theme acts as an SEO add-on for your main site, to which the user will navigate from the AMP page.

Interesting fact!

If your site does not have Accelerated Mobile Pages - you lose up to 60% of profits every month.
And in the future you will lose even more, because AMP technology is developing rapidly and is becoming increasingly popular.

Features of the Start AMP theme:

  • SEO improvement.
    Due to the high loading of pages from the Google cache, the positions of the AMP page in search results are increasing!
    In addition, Google encourages owners of AMP for the use of new technology, raising their Sites even higher.
  • Minimalistic and modern design.
    Due to the absence of many interfering elements, it is convenient for the visitor to use your site.
    He quickly finds what he needs without wasting time searching for important items.
    This increases UX (User Experiense - user experience of interaction with the site), which increase site position in search results, because user experience - an important SEO factor in ranking sites in search results!
  • Micromarking
    The presence of several types of micromarking also increases the SEO performance of your AMP-site!
  • 6 color schemes to choose:
    Light, coffee, in social networking styles, Apple-style (with a dark translucent top panel), completely dark, and red - let you change the look of your AMP site with one click.
  • Ease of administration.
    You can easily get into the editor of the page or product directly from the frontend of the site, thanks to the edit buttons. And also update the Google cache when the page content changes.
    (These links are visible only to site administrators).
  • Adaptation for mobile devices.
    AMP technology was designed primarily for mobile devices! Therefore, using the site from a smartphone is especially convenient!
  • AMP-valid code!
    You can check the AMP-validity of the pages on these links:
    Home page;
    Product category page;
    Product page;
    Blog app page;
    Single post of Blog app;
    Photos app page.
    AMP sites use a different markup, so a regular validator will show errors.
    But since the technology is owned and fully used by Google, in this case, AMP-validity is more important, than ordinary!

Create an additional site with the Start AMP design theme and earn more money!

Stop losing profits by ignoring the use of Accelerated Mobile Pages!

Buy theme!

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