Maximum security and comfort sms sending!
3.7 6 ratings
Sign in to view this product in the Installer and to install it to your Webasyst account.
To install free, open the plugin in the Installer app in your Webasyst backend. Free trial is available in the Webasyst Cloud only.
Plugin discontinued
4.9× 37
Convenient creation of a personal menu
4.8 × 65
Form of the callback request
7 days free
4.0 × 29
Remove needless information.
4.0 × 2
Button to fast scrolling the pages of the store.
5.0 × 8
Displays the reason for cancelling an order
5.0 × 2
Translate plugin for My Lang
5.0 × 6
Load images for products from external links
5.0 × 1
Instant access to products without a category
Adds an article reading time indicator
Newly arrived goods in one place
Receive notifications about orders in telegram
5.0 × 31
Use templates to contact customer.
4.8 × 28
Allows the buyer to ask a question about product.
4.6 × 21
Automatic creation of discount coupons
4.6 × 9
Remove "Free" label from the checkout
4.7 × 49
Plugin adds new reports to the store.
4.8 × 6
Removes unused feature values
4.1 × 36
Filter orders by params and export to xlsx/csv.
4.7 × 12
Age check popup warning.
The new standard in online payments
3.7 × 3
3.4 × 5
Whatsapp and Instagram messages
3.0 × 5
Instant popup, push notifications
1.0 × 1
Braintree Online Payment Solutions
The plugin creates a compact banner on the site
5.0 × 11
4.9 × 8
5.0 × 53
5.0 × 7
5.0 × 4
5.0 × 32
4.9 × 10
4.9 × 9
4.8 × 13
5.0 × 93
4.9 × 41
4.6 × 19
4.8 × 5