Plugin lets to share the product in WhatsApp
5.0 7 ratings
Sign in to view this product in the Installer and to install it to your Webasyst account.
To install free, open the plugin in the Installer app in your Webasyst backend. Free trial is available in the Webasyst Cloud only.
Use mobile device to see the WhatsApp button on page!
WhatsApp is very popular among the people all over the world.
Allow your customers to share your products with each other!
4.6× 58
Web form builder. Surveys, contact forms, reviews
5.0× 1
Create voting on your website
4.5 × 41
Creation and sale of product sets with discount
7 days free
4.4 × 7
Creation of gift certificates and discount cards
3.8 × 40
Creation of product-sets like a unique unit
4.9 × 44
Automatic creation of badges for products
4.9 × 59
Filter delivery & payment methods by any criteria
4.7 × 147
All types of discounts. Discount constructor
4.6 × 109
1-Click ordering lets you skip checkout proceeding
4.8 × 28
Sorting products by priority and not only
4.8 × 6
Helpdesk with advanced opportunities
4.8 × 13
Choose the number of items per page to see
4.7 × 15
Coupons, discounts, gifts, N+M. Export to YaMarket
3.9 × 18
Optimize JPG and PNG images with TinyPNG service
3.7 × 3
Advanced maketing tools
Helps you to create voting in Blog posts
Using of Web-forms hooks
Add additional parameters for promos
4.9 × 48