Fine Tuning

Fine Tuning for Shop-Script

Adjusts certain parameters

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The purpose of this plugin - to provide tools for changing the parameters that can not be changed in Shop-Script.

Plugin features:

1. Plug-in can change the buyer's order. This is necessary if the manager creates an order by phone. This functionality is only useful when dealing with new orders, which the operator has issued to itself, and then re-register the client wants. When a user is replaced in the order, the discount in the affiliate program does not change.

When you install this plug-in in order to change the field for the customer:

2. The plug-in is able to replace the names of the goods on the mask in the category. To do this in the category settings in the "Advanced Settings" write:

tuning_items_rename=Prefix {$ item.product_name} suffix

After setting these parameters in the order of buttons will appear:

Clicking on this button will rename items in the order in accordance with a mask in the category names or return back. The mask is taken only of the main categories of goods. This is the first category in the list under Product settings. If the item is in several categories, all categories except the main one will be ignored.

To add a new plug-in features, please email, and let them know that, in your opinion, is not enough to store the settings.


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