The plugin allows buyers to make an order for one product quickly which positively effects overall sales conversion.
- «Buy one click» button shortcut is placed on the item card or in the cart, which is fully compatible with 30 design themes
- Popup window with contact information form opens by a click; flexible adjustment of this form is possible
- Order is created in the admin dashboard with a status of "New"; plug-in is fully integrated with Shop-Script 5-6
Button settings:
- Standard button label and in case when product not available
- Definition of button place: on the item card and/or in the cart
- Styles setting: button background color, button hover, alignment
- Setting goals for Yandex Metrics and Google-Analytics
Order form settings:
- Window title label, description, "Order" button label
- Enable/Disable captcha
- Enable/Disable «Comment»
- List of attributes for ordering. The list is formed of attributes marked in «Settings -> Checkout -> Contact info». There is ability to determine required attributes
- Ability to insert additional styles and scripts