Rid your customers from having to turn the scrolling !
Plugin "Scroll Up" button adds to the page scroll quickly . By pressing this button, the page scrolls smoothly your top .
Despite the fact that the plugin is compatible with the old version of PHP 7.2, we recommend using it on systems with PHP 7.4, 8.0 for faster and more stable work.
Button is added to all pages of the store. It becomes visible when you scroll down the page and disappears when the page is scrolled up to the top .
Choices presented 4 shaped buttons , each performed in 6 colors. If you want to have an individual scroll button settings page allows you to specify URL- address of your image.
Settings :
Enable / disable plugin
Color arrows . You can choose the following color options : black, blue, green , yellow, orange, red .
Size button. There are three options : 64x64 , 100x100 , 128x128 .
Form arrow. Here you can select the button's appearance : standard arrow with rounded edges, round button or Nook ( the screenshots presented all four forms). If you want to specify the URL of your own image , select the form as "arbitrary".
Image Address. If you have chosen an arbitrary shape buttons to enter in this field URL- address of your image. In this case, the field "Size" and "Color Arrows" are ignored (for example an arbitrary image - at the last screenshot ).