Sales Notes

Sales Notes for Shop-Script

Turns store visitors into buyers

4.6 10 ratings

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After installation, the plugin is turned off by default, to get started, you need to turn it on and save the settings:

The plugin uses the standard frontend_footer hook of the Store app for output, that is present in all design themes by default. If you use a handwritten design theme and for some reason this hook is missing or is used outside the box - add the following code to the index.html template before the closing tag </body>:

{{$frontend_footer['salesnotes-plugin']}}{$frontend_footer['salesnotes-plugin'] = ''}

If you want the plugin to work not only in the Store app, but in all other apps (Site, Blog, etc.) - add the following code to the index.html template before the closing tag </body>:

{if $wa_app != 'shop' && $wa->shop}{shopSalesnotesPlugin::initNotes()}{/if}