2.6.0 June 15, 2023
- Shop-Script X support
- PHP 8+ support
- Fractional products support
- Product units support
2.5.4 June 5, 2021
- Fixed errors in old Shop-Script versions
- Links to the docs were changed
2.5.3 February 20, 2021
- Fixed error in the Bundles
- Fixed CSS-bug
2.5.2 December 15, 2020
- Fixed bug in discount rounding
- Minor fixes
2.5.1 November 23, 2020
2.5.0 September 24, 2020
- Fixed locale error
- Fixed CSS bugs
- Fixed minor bugs
2.4 July 31, 2020
- Added ability to round discounts (tab Others)
- Added integration with the prices of the promos from Marketing page
- Added caching for discounts calculating
- Fixed error in discounts calculating
- Fixed minor bugs
2.3.1 June 5, 2020
2.3 June 2, 2020
- Added ability to change appearance from the page of all sets
- Added ability to specify custom parameters for the entire set (tab General)
- Added ability to specify custom parameters for each bundle (tab Bundles)
- Added ability to specify text at the top and at the bottom of the total block
- In admin page added ROS for products
- Increased number of products in the search
- Added ability to display sets on the pages of products, which were manually added to the bundles and user bundles (tab Display)
- Added ability to change appearance of the quantity field
- Added layout settings (tab Appearance)
- 4 layouts for product card
- Ability to change product card width
- Ability to change mobile product card layout
- Ability to change checkbox type of products, which can be excluded from the bundle
- Ability to change type of the slider for alternative products: horizontal, vertical
- 3 layouts for the total block
- Position of total block: at the top, at the bottom
- Displaying of selectable skus in popup window: select list, inline in row
- For 2 and 3 layouts of the product card added ability to change text near the checkbox
- Added ability to disable changing of prices for products (tab Others)
- Added 1 article: Custom parameters
- Better display in the mobile version
- Fixed error on calculating discounts
- Added link to the plugin settings
IMPORTANT! If you changed templates in the plugin settings, you will have to return everything to the original versions, because all the templates have been changed and you need to reset everything to work correctly. You will see a notification next to the templates that you need to revert.
2.2.1 March 16, 2020
- Plugin is optimized
- Fixed bug appeared in some theme designs
- Fixed bug when checking display settings
2.2 March 2, 2020
- Added setting "Hide empty stocks positions, where it is allowed to delete products"
- If alternative products are not available, they will be automatically hidden regardless of the settings
- Added ability to change appearance of success popup window
- Setting "Place of total block" moved to tab "Appearance"
- Added ability to import appearance settings from other sets
Other changes:
- In Orders added information about sets
- Fixed errors with image thumbs in popup sku's window
- Added setting "Reload page after checkout" inside the tab "Other"
- Fixed error with buying alternative products and products from user bundle groups
- Duplicated sets have extra name "(copy)"
- Added ability to change color, font, etc for the title of the set
- Fixed minor bugs
2.1 February 20, 2020
- Added ability to change the appearance of skus popup window.
- Added setting, which allows to change the output place of total block.
- Added ability to disable sticky header on scroll.
- On the settings page added ability to change plugin templates.
- Added ability to change the size of image thumbs.
- Fixed JS and CSS errors.
- Fixed error on product's search.
- Plugins Flexdiscount and Promos now can change product prices. You can change it in the settings (frontend_products).
- Fixed bugs with alternative products.
- Fixed bugs on the page of all sets.
- Fixed incorrect output of product images
2.0 February 9, 2020
Pay attention! Afrer the update clear the cache in Installer, Settings and the browser. All active plugin sets will be disabled. You will need to check settings again.
Read new plugin description.
Common changes:
- The plugin has been renamed, the description has been changed, and documentation has been added.
- Added the ability to change product variants.
- Added the ability to change product quantity by customer.
- Added the ability to output the sets on category page.
- Added the ability to copy the sets.
- Added the ability to change lifetime of the sets.
- Added the ability to change text blocks inside each set.
- Interface of plugin was change.
- Output helper was changed.
- Discount system was changed: common discount; discount for each product; discount depending on the availability of the product in the bundle.
- Deleted pages: Templates, CSS styles, JS localization.
- Upgraded sort of sets and products.
- Other updates.
Bundle changes:
- Added the ability to create multiple bundles in one offer, which group in slider.
- Added the ability to delete products from the bundle by customer.
- Added the ability to set alternative products.
User bundle changes:
- Added the ability to set minimal/maximal quantity of products.
- Added the ability to set required products.
- Added the ability to create product groups from categories/sets/types.