Auto displaying of announcements
3.7 7 ratings
Sign in to view this product in the Installer and to install it to your Webasyst account.
The Auto announce! plugin makes it simple to display announcements at the top of your shop. Find out more at the plugin's information page.
For using the plugin you need to install the «Announce!» app.
4.9× 30
Close your website in 2 clicks.
4.5× 15
Flexible closing of a site
4.9 × 25
Quick disabling of orders processing
7 days free
5.0 × 1
Opening hours
Open some pages of a locked website
4.9 × 97
Settings minimum order value
5.0 × 3
Make a great header for Default 3 theme
4.5 × 2
Quick closing of a shop
5.0 × 5