Mass edit

Mass edit for Shop-Script

Mass edit and mass updating product parameters!

4.9 61 ratings

7 days free

To install free, open the plugin in the Installer app in your Webasyst backend. Free trial is available in the Webasyst Cloud only.

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Edit any number of products in a few clicks!

Plugin "Mass edit" — effective tool for mass edit and updating of values of selected products.

The first and only tool for working with product photos
Adding new photos into the beginning and into the end, replacing of existing photos with new and mass deleting of all current product photos.

Mass edit product features
Updating values for any types of features, searching of similar values among selected products, simple deleting and replacing of values.

Multifunctional price editor:
Decrease (-) or Increase (+) prices of selected products to any percent (%) or number in currency;
Select source number, from which will calculate new product prices: current price / purchase price;
Setfixed prices to selected products;
Setting rounding params of final prices: rounding to 0.01/0.1/0/10th/100th/1000th; downwards/upwards; subtract from a final price of 1 unit (for prices like 39 999);
Select action with compare prices: set old prices as compared / leave current compare prices / remove compare prices;
Return from selected products compare prices, if there's exists.

Mass editing of cross and similar products:
Cross-selling: On / Off / Select products / Link selected products between themselves;
Similar products: On / Off / Select products / Link selected products between themselves;

Manage product tags
Replacing and adding new tags, searching for same tags in selected products.

Mass edit descriptions and titles:
Product title;
You can use Smarty and some variables with information about product;

Mass edit META-fields:
META Keywords;
META Description;
You can use Smarty and some variables with information about product;

Manage videos
Mass attaching video for selected products / mass deleting video.

Mass edit of badges
Setting and deleting badges from selected products: New! / Bestseller! / Lowprice! / Custom badge

Mass edit of product params
Adding and deleting of product params key=value.

Mass edit of skus and quantities
Mass edit of product's quantities.

Mass edit of skus weight
Increase / Decrease / Set fixed weight of products.

Mass edit of product URLs
Setting URL using mask.

SKUs generator
Mass setting unique SKUs using mask with Smarty and prepared variables.

Product pages
Plugin can mass delete product pages.

Plugin "Mass edit" has all needful functions for mass editing and updating product's information.

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