Attention! At this moment plugin works only for old version of WebAsyst UI 1.3
Description of "Manager Access Rights" plugin features.
The main idea is that provide access for your managers in backend for Categories, Products, Lists, Types, Tags and Orders.
In some cases need that manager have access only to products or partitions that he need and it is enough for him, or if you have more than one store and you want divide partitions and show products from one of them and that manager will manage only available products for him.
Also if you want to sell some products from marketplaces and you could add access to manager from this marketplays and he will sell only his own products through your store with some markup.
It could be more different situations that you could grant access only for product and orders for managers and could change roles using by access to Categories, Products, Lists, Types, Tags, Orders.
I will try to describe how plugin works below, step by step.
How to use "Manager Access Rights" plugin
Start with settings, because after install plugin you should add some settings for your demand.
At first all settings are closed, after enable first option, all options are enabled automatically, below i am going to describe all of that:
- 1. Enable/disable you plugin, after install plugin enable this option for grant access to plugin in team partition and for Managers in backend.
- 2. By default all products in backend for managers related from partition that admin approve for visibly products for managers in backend, if you disable this option the manager will have access and see all products in backend, but partitions and links will be shown as administrator add in team partition.
- 3. This is the same as second settings, but related to orders, this option works depends on products that see manager in backend if you disable this option, you will see and have access to all orders.
- 4. From this option depends what partition will be main for display products for Managers, for instance if you choose filtering by tags Managers will see products that available from only that tags that administrator will choose in Team partition, a little example if you choose show by apple tag Managers will see and have access only to products that have tag apple and orders too.
- 5. This is group of settings, that have common roots, Categories, Lists, Types, Tags, if this options are enabled, all of them will be depends on what partitions administrator will choose in Team partition, for instance if administrator choose only one category in Team partition only this category and all subcategories will be appeared for managers in backend.
- 6. This is just link to Team partition helps administrator make settings faster.
- 7. This is group of settings, that have common roots too, all of them if are enabled have shown additional partitions, the main idea if you want to hide data that manager do not see and use.
Team partition:
In this picture, i have described how administrator could manage partitions in Team partition and add access for managers.
Team partition, main page how to add access to partitions for managers:
- 1. Choose Team partition.
- 2. Choose managers or groups, for adding some access to partitions.
- 3. Find link user access or group access.
- 4. Find access for Store and choose 'Limited Access'.
Team partition settings:
Team partition, how to add access for managers to partitions as Categories, Lists, Types, Tags:
- 1. Add access to main categories with all subcategories, for managers, also you could add access to dynamic categories, but you have to choose additional main category or other partitions as type for filtering products, because dynamic categories fill up by products from other categories or partitions, if you do not choose any category and option for category will be open, manager could not see this partition at all.
- 2. Add access to lists, if you do not choose any list and option for list will be open, manager could not see this partition at all.
- 3. Add access to types, if you do not choose any types and option for list will be open, manager could not see this partition at all.
- 4. Add access to tags, if you do not choose any tags and option for list will be open, manager could not see this partition at all.
Backend products:
Backend after administrator have grant to partitions and this example how manager will see products and orders partitions:
- 1. Add role for Manager and he could see Orders and Products partitions.
- 2. This group of links, that you could show/hide for Managers.
- 3. Categories partition, that you could show/hide for Manager.
- 4. Lists partition, that you could show/hide for Managers.
- 5. Types partition, that you could show/hide for Managers
- 6. Tags partition, that you could show/hide for Managers
- 7. This group of links in badge partition, that you could show/hide for Managers.
- 8. This group of links in organize partition, that you could show/hide for Managers.
Backend products access:
This is example as if manager want to see some product that he not allowed, for instance Manager could change url with id product, and plugin check it:
- 1. The message 'Access deny to this product' if product not allowed to Manager.
Backend products show/hide partitions:
This is example as we could add access only for tag 'Apple' in hide other partitions and links for manager, in this case we could see only two products that tag 'Apple' has, also in orders partition manager could see and have access only orders that include this two products:
- 1. Hide category partition.
- 2. Hide lists partition.
- 3. Hide types partition.
- 4. Show only one tag 'Apple' and all products related with this tag.
- 5. Hide badge partition.
- 6. Hide organize partition.
- -. Also hide Reviews and Stocks partitions.
Backend orders:
This is example for orders partition, you could see that manager have access only to one order from two of them, because in second order not any products related with access for manager:
- 1. Example, count of all orders, but manager could see only one.
Backend orders access:
This is example as if manager want to see some order that he not allowed, for instance Manager could change url with id order, and plugin check it:
- 1. The message 'Access deny to this order' if products in this order not allowed to Manager.
Update - v.1.0.3:
Update, has added functionality to hide search query data in products and orders, also if Manager want to create new order:
- 1. Enable/Disable 'Smart Search', allow when 'Smart Search' is enabled, close access to products by enter key in common list of products
- 2. Enable/Disable search string in product and order partitions, apply by desire if Webasyst Shop-Script below than 9.1, because above this version in backend for 'Live Search' autocomplete string developers have added hook that make possible filtering search query by developers, for product and order partitions, if options 'Show related product' and 'Show related orders' are enabled
- -. Improve code, small fixes
This plugin is continuation of plugin 'Access to information, in product, category, order',
The idea comes after adding roles to managers, but association this two plugin to one was redundant, that why i divide this and you could use this two plugins in bundle,
If you enjoy the plugin, and it works as you suppose and it safe your time during the work, i appreciate it,
Thanks for reading), cheers,