Universal interactive discount

Universal interactive discount for Shop-Script

Draw attention to promotions and discounts

5.0 2 ratings

7 days free

To install free, open the plugin in the Installer app in your Webasyst backend. Free trial is available in the Webasyst Cloud only.

Sale until November 15, 2024
Your review

Attension! The price will be increaser after 8 march

The word "bonus", "discount", "sale" to lure customers and acts on them charmingly.

We present You universal the plugin from the plugin "interactive discount". This plugin combines the three previous plugin with their settings and design, and provides many new opportunities.

Now You can on each page of the online store to establish their "interactive discount", setting its own layout and its settings.

Plug-in "Universal interactive discount" has special tabs in the plugin settings, which combine the features of the three plug-ins make it easy to use and allow you to create different modifications is its "interactive discount".

Plugin Features

Don't be afraid to experiment, be creative, create!

Always open to dialogue (support@echo-company.ru):

  • consultation in the configuration
  • we will consider your wishes on completion and expansion of the functionality (we include them in subsequent updates)
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