Add new employees to your Webasyst, monitor their activity in the system, and manage their access to applications. This is the control center where you can oversee employee access rights and maintain order within the team.
Using Webasyst already? Sign in with Webasyst ID to install this app to your Webasyst for free and try it for 30 days with no limits.
Organize your team by grouping employees based on location or responsibilities.
Control employee access to Webasyst apps. Set access rights for individual employees or groups.
Plan and track all important team events. Schedule business trips, vacations, meetings, and more.
View a monthly log of actions performed by each user.
Statistics displays activities across all Webasyst apps.
Contact information, and other details of your team.
No signup! Explore the app with no more questions asked. Click, tap, feel free to do anything with the content you see.
4.9 × 129
Import data from third party ecommerce platforms
4.5 × 12
Bonuses for referred customers and friends
7 days free