Fixed incorrect transfer of the order amount, containing taxes, to a payment gateway, which occurred in the update to version 11.2.0.
February 12, 2025
For premium license users: added support for barcode scanners to the Shop-Script mobile app allowing you to quickly add items to an order to be paid for via the mobile payment terminal. The built-in camera camera as well as external Bluetooth product code scanners are supported. Update the mobile app on App Store and Google Play.
Improved the Products section, which includes speeding up the products-management interface with a large number of feature values.
Fixed the calculation of taxes in printable document forms in cases when discounts are applied.
Added the display of SKU codes in product transfer properties.
Design theme Default: improved security system.
Improved support for the latest PHP versions.
Fixed found bugs and defects.
For developers:
in API method
added option to search products by product code values,
added option to obtain product features’ values,
in API method shop.settings.get, added information about the use of the premium license to the returned value.
November 6, 2024
Improved the Webasyst 2 interface and added various minor conveniences.
Improved navigation in the Plugins section’s content.
Improved support for the latest PHP versions.
Fixed found errors.
September 24, 2024
Convenient work with mobile POS terminals and centralized payments fiscalization control for processing offline orders:
new POS section in the mobile Shop-Script app for Android and iOS,
additional filter for orders with payment via a mobile POS terminal,
order action initiate POS payment, which is available for such orders,
new settings section POS with a quick search for fiscalization-enabled plugins.
Added support for product videos from the VK Video service.
Improved new Webasyst 2 user interface.
Other improvements & bug fixes:
description of method $wa->shop->getListThumbsTemplate() added to the design editor cheat sheet to facilitate publishing product sets in the storefront,
uploading images in the info page editor,
error in the Reports → Products section,
execution of CRON command searchIndex.
Enhanced API methods for developers:
new method to obtain information about a discount coupon,
new method to obtain information about several coupons,
new method shop.order.addSale to create basic sales orders with optional customer details,
new method shop.settings.getProductCodes to obtain information about setup product codes,
new method shop.settings.getShippingTypes to obtain information about enabled shipping methods,
new method shop.settings.getStockUnits to obtain information about setup product quantity units,
in method added the option to obtain information about ordered products’ quantity units,
in method shop.settings.getPaymentTypes added parameter pos to obtain only the payment methods allowing payments via a mobile POS terminal or by a QR code,
in methods shop.order.add,, shop.order.saveItem added the option to specify product codes as part of the items parameter,
improved descriptions of API methods for testing in the API Explorer app.
June 3, 2024
Fixed a few visual bugs in the Webasyst 2 interface found after the update to version 10.2.
May 28, 2024
New section Stock to manage the stock inventory, which is available only in the Webasyst 2 interface. In the new section you can view the following:
product quantities on all stocks, including the total assets value,
detailed data of each stock including available product quantities, their market value and cost price,
products quantities log with a filter by stock.
Updated subsection Stock → Transfers:
new type of transfers, without a destination stock, to write off sold products,
new option to enter product prices during the transfer execution.
Added the order fulfillment mode. A link on the order-viewing page opens a convenient check list allowing you not to miss any item when preparing the order for delivery to the customer.
Added many improvements to the Webasyst 2 interface and fixed a few found errors.
For developers:
added hooks order_reduce_stock_counts_before and order_reduce_stock_counts_after, which are triggered before and after product counts are written off from stocks during the order processing,
added hooks order_return_stock_counts_before and order_return_stock_counts_after, which are triggered before and after product counts are returned to stocks when an order is refunded or deleted,
added hook product_stocks_log, which is triggered when a new entry is added to the product stock updates log; e.g., when a product is edited, during imports, during the order processing, when transfers are executed, etc.,
added support for a new type of printable form plugins 'transfer', which will allow users to extend the transfer-management functionality (view an example of such a plugin on GitHub),
implemented a usage example of the new template helper {$wa->headerSingleAppUser()}, which is supposed to be used instead of the default main menu helper {$wa->header()} in the single-app-mode to ensure that a user retains access to pop-up notifications and to the buttons for switching between the light and dark theme, and for logging out of the account.
January 16, 2024
Fixed a few found errors:
in the kanban mode of the Orders section,
in the settings of color type product features,
in bulk product actions,
in the plugins support.
December 29, 2023
Fixed a few errors related to product features that occurred after the update to version 10.1.
December 27, 2023
Improved the new Webasyst 2 interface according to your feedback:
Added a navigation sidebar for quick selection of product categories, sets and types in the Products → Catalog section.
The CSV import screen has been made more convenient.
Displaying profit-related information on the order-viewing page limited only to users with access to reports.
Fixed saving fractional tax rates in settings.
Fixed customer search.
Fixed names of sales channels, added by plugins, in reports.
Eliminated numerous found defects and errors.
Design theme Default:
fixed the slider on the home page and the selection of product services,
eliminated a few visual defects,
improved compliance of HTML code to modern standards.
Improved integration with the latest version of CRM.
Improved support for latest PHP versions.
For developers:
Added new hooks allowing support for the Webasyst 2 interface in plugins: backend_prod_filters, backend_prod_category_dialog.
Enabled obtaining custom product parameters using API method
Fixed use of methods {$wa->shop->reviews()} и shopHelper::getRatingHtml() in design themes.
July 3, 2023
Improved user interface Webasyst 2 by taking into account your suggestions & fixed a few visual flaws.
Design theme Дефолт 4.0:
improved display of product feature values in category filter settings,
optimized the storefront for mobile devices,
fixed display of photos uploaded to customer reviews.
Other improvements & bug fixes:
more convenient use of the store backend and mobile apps by couriers with the access level “Can manage orders: courier”,
generation of payment links using the URLs of the storefronts where orders were placed,
auto-adjustment of the orientation of photos in customer reviews,
checking of invalid free shipping coupons,
products filtering in the storefront with the use of hidden setting 'filter_features=exists',
display of customers’ images from the Gravatar service in the Orders section,
display of dates.
For developers:
extended usage options for plugin hook backend_prod_mass_actions,
added support for 'presentation/…' hashes to be used in product collections,
added option to group main menu items added by plugins using method shopMainMenu::createSection().
May 30, 2023
Fixed slow execution of database requests after the update to version 10.0.
May 29, 2023
Added support for the new Webasyst 2 user interface. The old interface mode remains available — you can switch between the two modes at any time. In the Webasyst 2 mode will have added a few new features:
Kanban view mode for order listings available only for premium license users. It displays all orders, grouped by status, with the option to sort them by shipping & payment options as well as by sales channel. To move an order
to a different status, you only need to drag & drop it to another status column in the kanban table.
Creating “empty” orders without products, not linked to any customer. When adding a new order in the backend, you are no longer required to add a product list to it or to enter customer-related information. You may simply enter
the order amount in the “Subtotal” field to create an “empty” order in order to quickly send a payment link to a customer. The customer info and the product list can be added to an order later when you have time for that.
Payment link. In the Webasyst 2 mode you can always see a special block on an order-viewing page, containing a payment link, which you can send to a customer via an online messenger or by email. The customer can use it to pay
for an order on a dedicated web page without logging into their personal account.
Added new access rights setting “Can manage products”, which will allow you to hide the “Products” section from selected users; e.g., from couriers connecting to the new mobile app.
Completely re-designed new version of the standard design theme Default 4.0.
Other improvements & bug-fixes:
Added new product feature type “Voltage”.
Fixed re-calculation of the product rating after posting a reply to a customer review.
Fixed reports in the “Campaigns” section.
Fixed import of product images from CSV files.
Fixed bulk product actions applied to large product lists.
Fixed search in the “Customers” section.
Fixed an error in the “Edit shipping details” order action.
Improved support for latest PHP versions.
For premium license users, fixed display of product quantity units in the printable order version in the backend.
For developers:
Added new hooks for plugins: backend_affiliate_bonus_edit, backend_plugins_list, backend_presentation_user_init, backend_themes_list, sales_channels.
Added new API methods: shop.customer.add,, shop.dashboard.realtime, shop.order.addInvoice, shop.order.getPaymentlinks, shop.product.images.addMany, shop.product.images.update, shop.settings.getPaymentTypes.
Also enhanced some features of the existing methods.
May 29, 2023
December 8, 2022
Fixed display of the new products management section in several versions of the Safari browser.
December 7, 2022
A few improvements for the new products management section:
Faster data refreshing in the user interface.
Fixed feature values saving in the product editor.
Fixed search in the settings of the filter by category, set or type.
Fixed display of product counts in the categories-management sub-section.