Post photos on your website and Webasyst backend. Create photo galleries with unique designs for personal, family, or corporate use. Store photos securely on your personal photo hosting, and share them with friends, colleagues, and family.
Using Webasyst already? Sign in with Webasyst ID to install this app to your Webasyst for free and try it for 30 days with no limits.
Drag and drop multiple photos into the browser and upload them in one go. It's convenient and fast.
Create albums, assign tags, and rate photos from 1 to 5. Sort photos by albums and tags.
Share photos that are accessible only to specific users, such as friends and colleagues.
Customize the gallery's appearance using HTML, CSS, and jQuery or with ready-made templates.
Perfect for storing and backing up photos online, ensuring safety from unauthorized access and data loss.
Your photo gallery will be clean and ad-free unless you choose to add it yourself.
No signup! Explore the app with no more questions asked. Click, tap, feel free to do anything with the content you see.