Single-server app license for the entire company with no in-app & user limits:


2 ratings

Your review





December 27, 2019

latest release
version 1.4.1

Want to better understand the needs of your site visitors?

Want to hold a contest or vote among buyers?

Or maybe you want to accept new employees and you need to create a profile?

Even create a website questionnaire is no longer a problem.

Get closer to the buyer

Create a survey to find out what is good / bad in your store.

Find out what product your customers are waiting for.

Dispose customers

Create a quiz with prizes

Encourage respondents

Reward bonuses for completing the form of your customers.

Get new contacts

Create a profile on the site

Collect statistics

list of all respondents

view survey statistics

numerical and percentage analysis of each survey field

sample of respondents by survey field value

Different forms with different questions.

Creating unlimited number of forms and questions in them

Specifying required form fields

Fields to choose from

  • text
  • text field
  • switch
  • slider
  • select
  • checkbox
  • radio button
  • date
Customize work

Only for registered users or for any visitor.

A user can only be polled once or several times.

A letter to the administrator about the survey


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