Webasyst framework and Site app update
January 29, 2018Webasyst framework has been updated to version 1.8.0.
WYSIWYG and HTML editors
We have made more comfortable and reliable the editing of site pages containing Smarty code and diverse HTML tags. If you sometimes switch between WYSIWYG and HTML editing modes then there are a few innovations for you.
WYSIWYG editor warns of possible HTML code changes
The WYSIWYG editor expects some standard HTML markup for correct text formatting, that's the way it works. If your HTML code does not match its “expectations”, then the editor will either change your tags or will delete some of them by leaving only text.
It’s how it worked before, too, but without a warning, which upset some users. We cannot make the editor “digest” any HTML code unless we make its logic very complicated by spending an enormous amount of time to achieve that. Therefore, we have simply added a warning popping up every time you switch from HTML editing mode to WYSIWYG and asking for your consent to possible automatic changes.
If you need to switch to the WYSIWYG editor, check your HTML afterwards.
WYSIWYG is not available for pages containing Smarty tags
To keep the visual editor’s logic simple, we have disabled it for pages with Smarty code. If you have Smarty tags in your page, then the WYSIWYG editor will not open and will only show a notification.
If you have to use Smarty on some pages, then you will have to do without WYSIWYG editor on that page. Visual text formatting will remain available for any other pages without Smarty code.
Image uploading in HTML mode
To add an image to a page, you had to switch to WYSIWYG mode because there was no other option for image uploading. And switching to WYSIWYG mode broke your Smarty tags or replaced some of your HTML tags, which was a pain!
We have worked around it by adding an image uploading button in HTML editing mode. Now you don’t need to switch to WYSIWYG only to upload an image.
We have added what you asked for
- simple colors to the palette
- Verdana font
...and fixed the errors you reported
- Disabled excessive page scrolling to code portion found by the search function.
- Fixed uploading of images with different characters in file names.
- Removed excessive formatting of HTML tag <iframe> when switching to WYSIWYG mode.
- Fixed context menu in Google Chrome.
- Some other issues.
Other improvements
Fixed photo editing in registered customer’s personal account
This function got broken by one of previous updates, and now we have fixed it.
Termination of authorized website visitor’s session when access is disabled in backend
It worked not quite correctly before: some one could sign up on your website and post a spam comment, then you disabled access for that contact but he did the same thing later again.
Why? It was so because authorized user’s session remained active when you disabled access in contact settings, and a user could keep posting spam. Now a user session is terminated when you disable access for a contact, and so battling spammers has become a little easier.
Better support for national domain names
National domains encoded in Punycode used to be not quite friendly to Webasyst users, they were sometimes incorrectly displayed and even were not properly saved in settings.
In this update we have fixed all serious Punycode domains-related defects in Webasyst that we had known of. If you still experience difficulties with managing such domain names in Webasyst backend, please let us know.
Site app
Site has been updated to version 2.3.0.
New setting “Redirect to HTTPS”
Setting up redirects to HTTPS has become easier. Now you do not have to edit file .htaccess any more and only need to enable a parameter in your site settings. Of course, it will work only if you have installed an SSL certificate for your domain name.
If HTTPS redirect is not required for an entire website, then you can enable it only for selected rules in your site structure settings. The new HTTPS redirect parameter is now available for all app rules in the “Structure” section.
Added a reminder that files in the file manager are available to everyone
In “File manager” section, we have added a note that all uploaded files can be downloaded and viewed by any website visitor without having to enter a password. If you are still keeping personal documents in Site’s file manager and hope that hardly somebody will ever guess their URLs, we urge you to think more seriously of your data security.
For reliable data storage use special secure software; e.g., Webasyst Files app.
Fixed bugs
- Improved URLs of links to files in the file manager with backend opened via HTTPS.
- Deletion of robots.txt contents upon deletion of a site from app settings.
- Deletion of whitespace characters in site URL when saving website settings.
- Fixed errors in page adding and editing section.
- Eliminated blocking of user interface in case of critical errors in a design theme.
- Fixed database error in “Blocks” section in a newly created Webasyst account.
- Fixed redirecting from URLs containing “+” symbol.
Preparing next update
We are already working on the next update, which will be Shop-Script and its mobile app for smartphones.
Wait for updates in your Installer!
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