Webasyst framework has been updated to version 1.8.0.

WYSIWYG and HTML editors

We have made more comfortable and reliable the editing of site pages containing Smarty code and diverse HTML tags. If you sometimes switch between WYSIWYG and HTML editing modes then there are a few innovations for you.

WYSIWYG editor warns of possible HTML code changes

The WYSIWYG editor expects some standard HTML markup for correct text formatting, that's the way it works. If your HTML code does not match its “expectations”, then the editor will either change your tags or will delete some of them by leaving only text.

It’s how it worked before, too, but without a warning, which upset some users. We cannot make the editor “digest” any HTML code unless we make its logic very complicated by spending an enormous amount of time to achieve that. Therefore, we have simply added a warning popping up every time you switch from HTML editing mode to WYSIWYG and asking for your consent to possible automatic changes.

If you need to switch to the WYSIWYG editor, check your HTML afterwards.

WYSIWYG is not available for pages containing Smarty tags

To keep the visual editor’s logic simple, we have disabled it for pages with Smarty code. If you have Smarty tags in your page, then the WYSIWYG editor will not open and will only show a notification.

If you have to use Smarty on some pages, then you will have to do without WYSIWYG editor on that page. Visual text formatting will remain available for any other pages without Smarty code.

Image uploading in HTML mode

To add an image to a page, you had to switch to WYSIWYG mode because there was no other option for image uploading. And switching to WYSIWYG mode broke your Smarty tags or replaced some of your HTML tags, which was a pain!

We have worked around it by adding an image uploading button in HTML editing mode. Now you don’t need to switch to WYSIWYG only to upload an image.

We have added what you asked for

  • simple colors to the palette
  • Verdana font

...and fixed the errors you reported

  • Disabled excessive page scrolling to code portion found by the search function.
  • Fixed uploading of images with different characters in file names.
  • Removed excessive formatting of HTML tag <iframe> when switching to WYSIWYG mode.
  • Fixed context menu in Google Chrome.
  • Some other issues.

Other improvements

Fixed photo editing in registered customer’s personal account

This function got broken by one of previous updates, and now we have fixed it.

Termination of authorized website visitor’s session when access is disabled in backend

It worked not quite correctly before: some one could sign up on your website and post a spam comment, then you disabled access for that contact but he did the same thing later again.

Why? It was so because authorized user’s session remained active when you disabled access in contact settings, and a user could keep posting spam. Now a user session is terminated when you disable access for a contact, and so battling spammers has become a little easier.

Better support for national domain names

National domains encoded in Punycode used to be not quite friendly to Webasyst users, they were sometimes incorrectly displayed and even were not properly saved in settings.

In this update we have fixed all serious Punycode domains-related defects in Webasyst that we had known of. If you still experience difficulties with managing such domain names in Webasyst backend, please let us know.

Site app

Site has been updated to version 2.3.0.

New setting “Redirect to HTTPS”

Setting up redirects to HTTPS has become easier. Now you do not have to edit file .htaccess any more and only need to enable a parameter in your site settings. Of course, it will work only if you have installed an SSL certificate for your domain name.

If HTTPS redirect is not required for an entire website, then you can enable it only for selected rules in your site structure settings. The new HTTPS redirect parameter is now available for all app rules in the Structure” section.

Added a reminder that files in the file manager are available to everyone

In “File manager” section, we have added a note that all uploaded files can be downloaded and viewed by any website visitor without having to enter a password. If you are still keeping personal documents in Site’s file manager and hope that hardly somebody will ever guess their URLs, we urge you to think more seriously of your data security.

For reliable data storage use special secure software; e.g., Webasyst Files app.

Fixed bugs

  • Improved URLs of links to files in the file manager with backend opened via HTTPS.
  • Deletion of robots.txt contents upon deletion of a site from app settings.
  • Deletion of whitespace characters in site URL when saving website settings.
  • Fixed errors in page adding and editing section.
  • Eliminated blocking of user interface in case of critical errors in a design theme.
  • Fixed database error in “Blocks” section in a newly created Webasyst account.
  • Fixed redirecting from URLs containing “+” symbol.

Preparing next update

We are already working on the next update, which will be Shop-Script and its mobile app for smartphones.

Wait for updates in your Installer!

Our support team will be processing written requests at a limited rate from December 30, 2017 (Saturday) through January 8, 2018 (Monday). Response to some of your requests may be provided with a delay.

The support team will get back to their normal working hours on January 9, 2018 (Tuesday).

Have a happy New Year!

New Year special offer 2018

In just a few days all of us will step into another new year and will start learning to write 2018 in dates instead of 2017. To brighten up your farewell to the ending year, we are starting a traditional New Year discount campaign in Webasyst Store. This time it’s -18%!

Start shopping with discounts »

The special offer is valid from December 20, 2017 21:00:00 through December 31, 2017 08:59:59 GMT.

Cyber Monday 2017

November 27 at 00:00 GMT

November 28 at 09:00 GMT

The biggest sale in Webasyst Store.
Great apps, plugins, and design themes with maximum discount
are waiting for their users!

Cyber Monday 2017

Shop-Script 7

Shop-Script 7



Webasyst CRM

Webasyst CRM















Upgrade to Shop-Script 7

Upgrade to Shop-Script 7



And 1400+ more plugins, design themes, apps, and widgets
in Webasyst Store.

View all discounts

Webasyst Cloud

On November 9, at 06:18 GMT the operation of all Webasyst services was unexpectedly interrupted: Cloud accounts, Customer Center, and our own websites webasyst.com и shop-script.com.

The downtime reason was a network equipment failure in a data center provided by OVH company. We have our servers hosted by OVH, due to their well-known reliability and a professional approach of their staff. Of course, no one is immune from such incidents, and OVH needed only several hours to eliminate a serious power supply failure that had impact on their network equipment.

Webasyst servers were up again around 12:16 GMT on the same day, and all our services are now functioning as usual. The data center failure has had no effect on the integrity of Webasyst users’ data.

This force majeure incident has dropped Webasyst Cloud availability percentage from 99.972% to 99.918%, but this unpleasant fact only gives us additional reason to make our service even more stable and closer to the so-desired “all-nines” rating value.

We are really sorry if your work has suffered because of this downtime. Please send personal requests via Customer Center if you require compensation.

Thank you for staying with Webasyst! We shall keep doing all we can to ensure your comfortable work with Webasyst under any circumstances.

Shop-Script 7.2.5 & shipping plugin “Courier” update

We have published fresh updates for Shop-Script and shipping plugin “Courier”, which add the option to request preferred delivery date and time from a client during checkout and a convenient settings interface for managing the available list of delivery time intervals in the store backend and in the mobile app!

Complete list of changes

Shop-Script 7.2.5
  • Added templates for notifications on order actions “Shipping details changed”, “A comment was added for the order”, “Order was settled”.
  • Fixed product stock level update when an order in a custom status is marked as paid.
  • Fixed calculation of the total amount for an order added in the backend, with a discount applied.
  • Improved API for the mobile app.
  • Fixed product‘s default SKU update via CSV file import. Now in CSV file you can specify value 1 for the SKU which must become the default one for a product.
  • On shipping option selection step during checkout, plugins now use the sort order of address fields defined in the store settings. Now the sort order of address fields requested by a selected shipping option is controlled by your choice in the store settings.
“Courier” plugin
  • New setting to control the address fields to be completed by a client. Now the “Courier” plugin can, depending on your choice, either require from a client mandatory completion of default address fields (country, region, city, street) or request optional completion of a custom set of address fields which you may set up in the store’s checkout settings.
  • Option to request from a client either only preferred delivery date, or only preferred delivery time, or both values during checkout. Important note: This option must be supported by the app the plugin is used with; e.g., Shop-Script ver. or higher.

In March we are planning to release another update for mobile Shop-Script app to optimize its operation and to add order sorting by update and shipping time, and by status.

We have released a major Shop-Script update to ver. 7.2.0.

Shop-Script update 7.2.0

For follow-ups, you can now set the delay period in hours rather than days as before. Follow-ups can now be associated with any order states.

When editing an order, you have the option to cancel the sending of a notification to customer even if you have such a notification set up.

In mobile app push notifications for couriers were added, app content synchronization with user access rights was improved, custom address fields were added to order-viewing screen, and some bugs were fixed.

You can view the complete list of new features and changes on the Shop-Script changelog page.

This update is already available in your Installer and on GitHub.

In February, were are planning to release one more Shop-Script update to add these new functions:

  • Courier assignment in any order status using new system action “Change shipping parameters”.
  • Option for a customer to enter preferred order shipping date and time during checkout — for Courier plugin.
  • Order shipping date and time editing in main backend and via the mobile app.
  • Order sorting by shipping date and time as well as by status in main backend and in the mobile app.

Dear friends, we wish you happy New Year!

In 2016 Webasyst platform and its entire software ecosystem have shown stable and steady growth! We have done great work and have fulfilled virtually everything we had planned:

  • Biggest and most complex Webasyst release in 2016: Shop-Script 7 and a mobile app for online store management.
  • Design theme Dummy, which is very handy for fast development of your own design themes.
  • New Team app.
  • Updated terms for the partner program including fair 50% discounts for our partners.
  • Over 40,000 written requests processed by the support team.
  • The number of developers working with Shop-Script 7 GitHub repository exceeded 1300.

Many new interesting and highly useful features are being planned for 2017:

  • Improved CRM system for better managing your clients, deals, and sales.
  • IP telephony support for Webasyst.
  • New versions of free design themes CUSTOM, Clear, and Nifty.
  • Several major updates for Shop-Script! In January or February, we are going to release the first of them to add convenient order assignment to couriers and other features that are most highly demanded by Shop-Script users.
  • Tasks, calendar entries, notes, and discussions will be easier to handle with new tools for online collaboration.
  • Webasyst Store and the entire website will receive better design and navigation to help you faster find even more useful apps and plugins for your Webasyst.

Many of the new features announced above are close to final release, so you will enjoy some of them very soon, at the very beginning of 2017. New Webasyst apps and features will be highly valuable for online stores and companies who are seeking ways to work faster and more efficient, and to be always online.

In 2017, Webasyst will significantly grow and will become your indispensable online office!

Because of New Year holidays, Webasyst support team will be processing written requests at a limited rate from December 30, 2016 (Friday) through January 4, 2017. Note that response to your requests may be provided with a delay. The support team will get back to their normal working hours on January 5, 2017 (Thursday). Please be patient and have a happy New Year!

Webasyst New Year special 2017

We are glad to announce a New Year special offer, which includes a 17% discount for most design themes, plugins, and apps in Webasyst Store available through December 31, 2016!

To make this offer even more "special", we have additionally created two software bundles so that you can purchase Webasyst apps and plugins at a reduced price.

Bundle “Webasyst Office”

Seven popular apps and plugins for managing your business online.

Mailer Tasks Files Team Helpdesk Hub Contacts PRO

$249 instead of $534

Buy bundle “Webasyst Office

Bundle Shop-Script 7 + Mailer


New Shop-Script license with 17% discount + Mailer app for free.

$331 instead of $488

Buy bundle “Shop-Script + Mailer

Enjoy your work!
Webasyst Team